Nameless Engine
No Matches
ne::World Class Reference

#include <World.h>

Public Member Functions

 World (const World &)=delete
Worldoperator= (const World &)=delete
 World (World &&)=delete
Worldoperator= (World &&)=delete
 ~World ()
size_t getTotalSpawnedNodeCount ()
void destroyWorld ()
CalledEveryFrameNodesgetCalledEveryFrameNodes ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_set< Node * > > * getReceivingInputNodes ()
sgc::GcPtr< NodegetRootNode ()
size_t getCalledEveryFrameNodeCount ()
float getWorldTimeInSeconds () const
size_t getWorldSize () const
bool isNodeSpawned (size_t iNodeId)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::unique_ptr< WorldcreateWorld (GameManager *pGameManager, size_t iWorldSize=Globals::getDefaultWorldSize())
static std::variant< std::unique_ptr< World >, ErrorloadNodeTreeAsWorld (GameManager *pGameManager, const std::filesystem::path &pathToNodeTree, size_t iWorldSize=Globals::getDefaultWorldSize())

Private Member Functions

 World (GameManager *pGameManager, sgc::GcPtr< Node > pRootNode, size_t iWorldSize)
void onNodeSpawned (Node *pNode)
void onNodeDespawned (Node *pNode)
void onSpawnedNodeChangedIsCalledEveryFrame (Node *pNode)
void onSpawnedNodeChangedIsReceivingInput (Node *pNode)
void addNodeToCalledEveryFrameArrays (Node *pNode)
bool removeNodeFromCalledEveryFrameArrays (Node *pNode)
bool removeNodeFromReceivingInputArray (Node *pNode)

Private Attributes

GameManagerpGameManager = nullptr
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, bool > mtxIsDestroyed
std::pair< std::mutex, sgc::GcPtr< Node > > mtxRootNode
CalledEveryFrameNodes calledEveryFrameNodes
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_set< Node * > > mtxReceivingInputNodes
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map< size_t, Node * > > mtxSpawnedNodes
std::atomic< size_t > iTotalSpawnedNodeCount {0}
const size_t iWorldSize = 0
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timeWhenWorldCreated


class Node

Detailed Description

Owns world's root node.

destroyWorld must be explicitly called before destroying this object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~World()

ne::World::~World ( )

Checks that world is destructed correctly (see destroyWorld) and logs in case of error.

◆ World()

ne::World::World ( GameManager pGameManager,
sgc::GcPtr< Node pRootNode,
size_t  iWorldSize 

Creates a new world with the specified root node.

pGameManagerGameManager object that owns this world.
pRootNodeWorld's root node.
iWorldSizeWorld size in game units. Must be power of 2 (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.).

Member Function Documentation

◆ addNodeToCalledEveryFrameArrays()

void ne::World::addNodeToCalledEveryFrameArrays ( Node pNode)

Adds the specified node to the arrays of "called every frame" nodes (see calledEveryFrameNodes).

pNodeNode to add.

◆ createWorld()

std::unique_ptr< World > ne::World::createWorld ( GameManager pGameManager,
size_t  iWorldSize = Globals::getDefaultWorldSize() 

Creates a new world that contains only one node - root node.

pGameManagerGameManager object that owns this world.
iWorldSizeSize of the world in game units. Must be power of 2 (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.). World size needs to be specified for internal purposes such as Directional Light shadow map size. You don't need to care why we need this information, you only need to know that if you leave world bounds lighting or physics may be incorrect (the editor or engine will warn you if something is leaving world bounds, pay attention to the logs).
Pointer to the new world instance.

◆ destroyWorld()

void ne::World::destroyWorld ( )

Clears pointer to the root node which should cause the world to recursively be despawned and destroyed.

Node despawn process will queue a bunch of deferred tasks that will notify world about nodes being despawned. Make sure to execute all deferred tasks after calling this function and before destroying this object.

◆ getCalledEveryFrameNodeCount()

size_t ne::World::getCalledEveryFrameNodeCount ( )

Returns the current amount of spawned nodes that are marked as "should be called every frame".

Amount of spawned nodes that should be called every frame.

◆ getCalledEveryFrameNodes()

CalledEveryFrameNodes * ne::World::getCalledEveryFrameNodes ( )

Returns a pointer to array of nodes that should be called every frame (use with mutex).

Pointer to array of nodes (use with mutex).

◆ getReceivingInputNodes()

std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_set< Node * > > * ne::World::getReceivingInputNodes ( )

Returns a pointer to array of nodes that receive input (use with mutex).

Pointer to array of nodes (use with mutex).

◆ getRootNode()

sgc::GcPtr< Node > ne::World::getRootNode ( )

Returns a pointer to world's root node.

nullptr if world is being destroyed, otherwise pointer to world's root node.

◆ getTotalSpawnedNodeCount()

size_t ne::World::getTotalSpawnedNodeCount ( )

Returns total amount of currently spawned nodes.

Total nodes spawned right now.

◆ getWorldSize()

size_t ne::World::getWorldSize ( ) const

Returns world size in game units.

World size.

◆ getWorldTimeInSeconds()

float ne::World::getWorldTimeInSeconds ( ) const

Returns time since world creation (in seconds).

Time since world creation (in seconds).

◆ isNodeSpawned()

bool ne::World::isNodeSpawned ( size_t  iNodeId)

Tells if a node with the specified ID is currently spawned or not.

iNodeIdID of the node to check.
true if the node is spawned, false otherwise.

◆ loadNodeTreeAsWorld()

std::variant< std::unique_ptr< World >, Error > ne::World::loadNodeTreeAsWorld ( GameManager pGameManager,
const std::filesystem::path &  pathToNodeTree,
size_t  iWorldSize = Globals::getDefaultWorldSize() 

Loads and deserializes a node tree to be used as a new world.

Node tree's root node will be used as world's root node.

pGameManagerGameManager object that owns this world.
pathToNodeTreePath to the file that contains a node tree to load, the ".toml" extension will be automatically added if not specified.
iWorldSizeSize of the world in game units. Must be power of 2 (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.). World size needs to be specified for internal purposes such as Directional Light shadow map size. You don't need to care why we need this information, you only need to know that if you leave world bounds lighting or physics may be incorrect (the editor or engine will warn you if something is leaving world bounds, pay attention to the logs).
Error if failed to deserialize the node tree, otherwise pointer to the new world instance.

◆ onNodeDespawned()

void ne::World::onNodeDespawned ( Node pNode)

Called from Node to notify the World about a node being despawned.

pNodeNode that is being despawned.

◆ onNodeSpawned()

void ne::World::onNodeSpawned ( Node pNode)

Called from Node to notify the World about a new node being spawned.

pNodeNode that is being spawned.

◆ onSpawnedNodeChangedIsCalledEveryFrame()

void ne::World::onSpawnedNodeChangedIsCalledEveryFrame ( Node pNode)

Called from Node to notify the World about a spawned node changed its "is called every frame" setting.

Should be called AFTER the node has changed its setting and the new state should not be changed while this function is running.
pNodeNode that is changing its setting.

◆ onSpawnedNodeChangedIsReceivingInput()

void ne::World::onSpawnedNodeChangedIsReceivingInput ( Node pNode)

Called from Node to notify the World about a spawned node changed its "is receiving input" setting.

Should be called AFTER the node has changed its setting and the new state should not be changed while this function is running.
pNodeNode that is changing its setting.

◆ removeNodeFromCalledEveryFrameArrays()

bool ne::World::removeNodeFromCalledEveryFrameArrays ( Node pNode)

Looks if the specified node exists in the arrays of "called every frame" nodes and removes the node from the arrays (see calledEveryFrameNodes).

pNodeNode to remove.
true if the specified node was found and removed, false otherwise.

◆ removeNodeFromReceivingInputArray()

bool ne::World::removeNodeFromReceivingInputArray ( Node pNode)

Looks if the specified node exists in the array of "receiving input" nodes and removes the node from the array (see mtxReceivingInputNodes).

pNodeNode to remove.
true if the specified node was found and removed, false otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

◆ calledEveryFrameNodes

CalledEveryFrameNodes ne::World::calledEveryFrameNodes

Array of currently spawned nodes that are marked as "should be called every frame".

◆ iTotalSpawnedNodeCount

std::atomic<size_t> ne::World::iTotalSpawnedNodeCount {0}

Total amount of nodes spawned.

◆ iWorldSize

const size_t ne::World::iWorldSize = 0

World size in game units.

◆ mtxIsDestroyed

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, bool> ne::World::mtxIsDestroyed

Whether the world is destroyed (or being destroyed) and should not be used or not.

◆ mtxReceivingInputNodes

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_set<Node*> > ne::World::mtxReceivingInputNodes

Array of currently spawned nodes that receive input.

◆ mtxRootNode

std::pair<std::mutex, sgc::GcPtr<Node> > ne::World::mtxRootNode

World's root node.

◆ mtxSpawnedNodes

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map<size_t, Node*> > ne::World::mtxSpawnedNodes

Stores pairs of "Node ID" - "Spawned Node".

◆ pGameManager

GameManager* ne::World::pGameManager = nullptr

Do not delete. Owner GameManager object.

◆ timeWhenWorldCreated

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point ne::World::timeWhenWorldCreated

Time when world was created.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: