Nameless Engine
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ne::VulkanRenderer::SwapChainImageSemaphores Struct Reference

Public Attributes

VkSemaphore pAcquireImageSemaphore = nullptr
VkSemaphore pQueueSubmitSemaphore = nullptr
size_t iUsedFrameResourceIndex = 0

Detailed Description

Groups semaphores related to swap chain images.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iUsedFrameResourceIndex

size_t ne::VulkanRenderer::SwapChainImageSemaphores::iUsedFrameResourceIndex = 0

Index of the frame resource to wait for its fence before using vkAcquireNextImageKHR to guarantee that pAcquireImageSemaphore is in the unsignaled state.

◆ pAcquireImageSemaphore

VkSemaphore ne::VulkanRenderer::SwapChainImageSemaphores::pAcquireImageSemaphore = nullptr

Array of semaphores that are passed to vkAcquireNextImageKHR.

Size of this array is equal to the number of swap chain images.

◆ pQueueSubmitSemaphore

VkSemaphore ne::VulkanRenderer::SwapChainImageSemaphores::pQueueSubmitSemaphore = nullptr

Array of semaphores that are passed to vkQueueSubmit.

Size of this array is equal to the number of swap chain images.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: