Nameless Engine
No Matches
ne::ShaderDescription Struct Reference

#include <ShaderDescription.h>

Public Member Functions

 ShaderDescription (const std::string &sShaderName, const std::filesystem::path &pathToShaderFile, ShaderType shaderType, std::optional< VertexFormat > vertexFormat, const std::string &sShaderEntryFunctionName, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &definedShaderMacros)
 ShaderDescription (const ShaderDescription &other) noexcept=default
ShaderDescriptionoperator= (const ShaderDescription &other) noexcept=default
 ShaderDescription (ShaderDescription &&other) noexcept=default
ShaderDescriptionoperator= (ShaderDescription &&other) noexcept=default
std::optional< ShaderCacheInvalidationReason > isSerializableDataEqual (ShaderDescription &other)
void from_toml (const toml::value &data)
toml::value into_toml () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getConfigurationFileSectionName ()
static std::string getFileHash (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, const std::string &sShaderName)

Public Attributes

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > definedShaderMacros
std::string sShaderName
std::filesystem::path pathToShaderFile
ShaderType shaderType = ShaderType::VERTEX_SHADER
std::optional< VertexFormat > vertexFormat
std::string sShaderEntryFunctionName

Private Member Functions

void calculateShaderIncludeTreeHashes ()

Static Private Member Functions

static std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > > deserializeShaderIncludeTreeHashes (const toml::value &data)
static void serializeShaderIncludeTree (const std::filesystem::path &pathToShaderFile, std::string &sCurrentIncludeChain, toml::value &data)

Private Attributes

std::string sSourceFileHash
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > > shaderIncludeTreeHashes

Static Private Attributes

static std::string_view sInitialIncludeChainText = "includes"
static auto sConfigurationFileSectionName = "shader_description"

Detailed Description

Describes a shader.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ShaderDescription() [1/3]

ne::ShaderDescription::ShaderDescription ( const std::string &  sShaderName,
const std::filesystem::path &  pathToShaderFile,
ShaderType  shaderType,
std::optional< VertexFormat >  vertexFormat,
const std::string &  sShaderEntryFunctionName,
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &  definedShaderMacros 


sShaderNameGlobally unique shader name.
pathToShaderFilePath to the shader file.
shaderTypeType of the shader.
vertexFormatVertex format that the shader uses (can be empty if not applicable, for example if this shader is a compute shader).
sShaderEntryFunctionNameName of the shader's entry function name. For example: if the shader type is vertex shader, then this value should contain name of the function used for vertex processing (from shader's file, "VS" for example).
definedShaderMacrosMap of defined macros for shader, stores pairs of "macro name" - "value" (no value if empty).

◆ ShaderDescription() [2/3]

ne::ShaderDescription::ShaderDescription ( const ShaderDescription other)

Copy constructor.

otherOther object.

◆ ShaderDescription() [3/3]

ne::ShaderDescription::ShaderDescription ( ShaderDescription &&  other)

Move constructor.

otherOther object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateShaderIncludeTreeHashes()

void ne::ShaderDescription::calculateShaderIncludeTreeHashes ( )

Uses pathToShaderFile to recursively calculate hashes of all include files to fill shaderIncludeTreeHashes.

◆ deserializeShaderIncludeTreeHashes()

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > > ne::ShaderDescription::deserializeShaderIncludeTreeHashes ( const toml::value &  data)

Converts TOML table into shader include tree hash map.

dataTOML data formatted as table.
Map [include chain (i.e. current shader), [relative include path, include file hash]].

◆ from_toml()

void ne::ShaderDescription::from_toml ( const toml::value &  data)

Used to deserialize struct from .toml file.

dataToml value.

◆ getConfigurationFileSectionName()

static const char * ne::ShaderDescription::getConfigurationFileSectionName ( )

Returns name of the section that is used to store ShaderDescription in configuration (on disk).

Section name.

◆ getFileHash()

std::string ne::ShaderDescription::getFileHash ( const std::filesystem::path &  pathToFile,
const std::string &  sShaderName 

Calculates hash of a file and returns it.

pathToFilePath to a file. Assumes that this path exists.
sShaderNameUnique name of this shader (used for logging).
Empty string if something went wrong, source file hash otherwise.

◆ into_toml()

toml::value ne::ShaderDescription::into_toml ( ) const

Used to serialize struct to .toml file.

Toml value.

◆ isSerializableDataEqual()

std::optional< ShaderCacheInvalidationReason > ne::ShaderDescription::isSerializableDataEqual ( ShaderDescription other)

Compares this shader description with other to see if the serializable fields are equal. This is usually done to check if shader cache is valid or not (needs to be recompiled or not).

otherOther shader description to compare with. If this "other" shader description was retrieved from the cache it will not be changed, otherwise if it has path to the shader source file specified it will be updated with hashes of the source shader file and its includes.
Whether the data is equal or not. If the data is not equal, has a value that contains a reason.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ShaderDescription & ne::ShaderDescription::operator= ( const ShaderDescription other)

Copy assignment.

otherother object.
Result of copy assignment.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ShaderDescription & ne::ShaderDescription::operator= ( ShaderDescription &&  other)

Move assignment.

otherOther object.
Result of move assignment.

◆ serializeShaderIncludeTree()

void ne::ShaderDescription::serializeShaderIncludeTree ( const std::filesystem::path &  pathToShaderFile,
std::string &  sCurrentIncludeChain,
toml::value &  data 

Scans shader file for "#include" entries and recursively adds included files hashes.

pathToShaderFilePath to shader source file.
sCurrentIncludeChainCurrent section (in TOML) text.
dataTOML structure to write to.

Member Data Documentation

◆ definedShaderMacros

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ne::ShaderDescription::definedShaderMacros

Map of defined macros for shader, stores pairs of "macro name" - "value" (no value if empty).

◆ pathToShaderFile

std::filesystem::path ne::ShaderDescription::pathToShaderFile

Path to the shader file.

◆ sConfigurationFileSectionName

auto ne::ShaderDescription::sConfigurationFileSectionName = "shader_description"

Name of the section that is used to store ShaderDescription in configuration (on disk).

◆ shaderIncludeTreeHashes

std::unordered_map< std::string , std:: unordered_map<std::string , std::string > > ne::ShaderDescription::shaderIncludeTreeHashes

Shader include tree hashes, contains relative include paths for each "#include" entry in shader with included source file hash. May be empty (not calculated yet).

◆ shaderType

ShaderType ne::ShaderDescription::shaderType = ShaderType::VERTEX_SHADER

Type of the shader.

◆ sInitialIncludeChainText

std::string_view ne::ShaderDescription::sInitialIncludeChainText = "includes"

Used as the initial text for "include chain" string (starting text in serialized form). After serializing data in the TOML file, it might look like this:

^------ [includes] initial text (this variable)
^------ [default] shader file name from ShaderDescription (say shader A)
^------ [post_process] shader file name B that shader A includes
Definition: ShaderDescription.h:74

◆ sShaderEntryFunctionName

std::string ne::ShaderDescription::sShaderEntryFunctionName

Name of the shader's entry function name.

◆ sShaderName

std::string ne::ShaderDescription::sShaderName

Globally unique shader name.

◆ sSourceFileHash

std::string ne::ShaderDescription::sSourceFileHash

Shader source file hash, may be empty (not calculated yet).

◆ vertexFormat

std::optional<VertexFormat> ne::ShaderDescription::vertexFormat

Used vertex format.

Can be empty if not applicable (for example if this is a compute shader).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: