Nameless Engine
No Matches
ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData Struct Reference

#include <DirectXDescriptorHeap.h>

Public Attributes

ComPtr< ID3D12DescriptorHeap > pHeap
std::unordered_set< ContinuousDirectXDescriptorRange * > continuousDescriptorRanges
INT iHeapCapacity = 0
INT iHeapSize = 0
INT iNextFreeHeapIndex = 0
std::queue< INT > noLongerUsedSingleDescriptorIndices
std::unordered_set< DirectXDescriptor * > bindedSingleDescriptors

Detailed Description

Groups mutex guarded data.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bindedSingleDescriptors

std::unordered_set<DirectXDescriptor*> ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::bindedSingleDescriptors

Set of descriptors that use this heap (size of this set might not be equal to iHeapSize due to continuousDescriptorRanges, because this set stores single descriptors (that don't belong to a continuous range)).

Storing a raw pointer here because it's only used to update view if the heap was recreated (no resource ownership). Once resource is destroyed the descriptor will also be destroyed and thus it will be removed from this set.

◆ continuousDescriptorRanges

std::unordered_set<ContinuousDirectXDescriptorRange*> ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::continuousDescriptorRanges

Descriptor ranges that were allocated in this heap.

◆ iHeapCapacity

INT ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::iHeapCapacity = 0

Current heap capacity.

◆ iHeapSize

INT ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::iHeapSize = 0

Current heap size (actually used size).

Includes capacity of ranges from continuousDescriptorRanges.

◆ iNextFreeHeapIndex

INT ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::iNextFreeHeapIndex = 0

Index of the next free descriptor that can be used. Each created descriptor will fetch this value (to be used) and increment it.

Once this value is equal to iHeapCapacity we will use noLongerUsedSingleDescriptorIndices to see if any old descriptors were released and no longer being used.

◆ noLongerUsedSingleDescriptorIndices

std::queue<INT> ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::noLongerUsedSingleDescriptorIndices

Indices of descriptors that were created but no longer being used.

Does not include unused descriptor indices of ranges from continuousDescriptorRanges.

◆ pHeap

ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> ne::DirectXDescriptorHeap::InternalData::pHeap

Descriptor heap.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: