Nameless Engine
No Matches
ne::MeshNode Class Reference

#include <MeshNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for ne::MeshNode:
ne::SpatialNode ne::Node ne::Serializable


struct  GpuResources
struct  MeshShaderConstants

Public Member Functions

 MeshNode (const std::string &sNodeName)
void setMaterial (std::unique_ptr< Material > pMaterial, size_t iMaterialSlot=0)
void setMeshData (const MeshData &meshData)
void setMeshData (MeshData &&meshData)
void onMeshDataChanged ()
void setIsVisible (bool bVisible)
MaterialgetMaterial (size_t iMaterialSlot=0)
size_t getAvailableMaterialSlotCount ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex *, MeshData * > getMeshData ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, GpuResources > * getMeshGpuResources ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, MeshShaderConstants > * getMeshShaderConstants ()
bool isVisible () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::SpatialNode
 SpatialNode (const std::string &sNodeName)
void setRelativeLocation (const glm::vec3 &location)
void setRelativeRotation (const glm::vec3 &rotation)
void setRelativeScale (const glm::vec3 &scale)
void setWorldLocation (const glm::vec3 &location)
void setWorldRotation (const glm::vec3 &rotation)
void setWorldScale (const glm::vec3 &scale)
glm::vec3 getRelativeLocation () const
glm::vec3 getRelativeRotation () const
glm::vec3 getRelativeScale () const
glm::mat4x4 getRelativeRotationMatrix ()
glm::vec3 getWorldLocation ()
glm::vec3 getWorldRotation ()
glm::quat getWorldRotationQuaternion ()
glm::vec3 getWorldScale ()
glm::vec3 getWorldForwardDirection ()
glm::vec3 getWorldRightDirection ()
glm::vec3 getWorldUpDirection ()
glm::mat4x4 getWorldMatrix ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcPtr< SpatialNode > > * getClosestSpatialParent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
 Node ()
 Node (const std::string &sName)
 Node (const Node &)=delete
Nodeoperator= (const Node &)=delete
 Node (Node &&)=delete
Nodeoperator= (Node &&)=delete
virtual ~Node () override
void setNodeName (const std::string &sName)
void detachFromParentAndDespawn ()
void addChildNode (const sgc::GcPtr< Node > &pNode, AttachmentRule locationRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD, AttachmentRule rotationRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD, AttachmentRule scaleRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD)
void setSerialize (bool bSerialize)
std::optional< ErrorserializeNodeTree (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, bool bEnableBackup)
std::string getNodeName () const
sgc::GcPtr< NodegetWorldRootNode ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcPtr< Node > > * getParentNode ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcVector< sgc::GcPtr< Node > > > * getChildNodes ()
template<typename NodeType >
requires std::derived_from<NodeType, Node>
sgc::GcPtr< NodeType > getParentNodeOfType (const std::string &sParentNodeName="")
template<typename NodeType >
requires std::derived_from<NodeType, Node>
sgc::GcPtr< NodeType > getChildNodeOfType (const std::string &sChildNodeName="")
TickGroup getTickGroup () const
std::optional< size_t > getNodeId () const
bool isCalledEveryFrame ()
bool isReceivingInput ()
bool isSpawned ()
bool isParentOf (Node *pNode)
bool isChildOf (Node *pNode)
bool isSerialized () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Serializable
std::optional< Errorserialize (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, bool bEnableBackup, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={})
std::variant< std::string, Errorserialize (toml::value &tomlData, const std::string &sEntityId="", const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={}, const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > &optionalPathToFile={}, bool bEnableBackup=false)
std::variant< std::string, Errorserialize (toml::value &tomlData, Serializable *pOriginalObject, std::string sEntityId="", const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={}, const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > &optionalPathToFile={}, bool bEnableBackup=false)
std::optional< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > getPathDeserializedFromRelativeToRes () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getMeshShaderConstantBufferName ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
static size_t getAliveNodeCount ()
static std::variant< sgc::GcPtr< Node >, ErrordeserializeNodeTree (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile)
static GameInstancegetGameInstance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Serializable
static std::optional< ErrorserializeMultiple (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, std::vector< SerializableObjectInformation > vObjects, bool bEnableBackup)
static std::variant< std::set< std::string >, ErrorgetIdsFromFile (std::filesystem::path pathToFile)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes, const std::string &sEntityId)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, const std::string &sEntityId)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<Serializable>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<Serializable>>
static std::variant< std::vector< DeserializedObjectInformation< SmartPointer > >, ErrordeserializeMultiple (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, const std::set< std::string > &ids)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const toml::value &tomlData, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes, std::string sEntityId="", std::optional< std::filesystem::path > optionalPathToFile={})

Protected Member Functions

virtual void onAfterDeserialized () override
virtual void onSpawning () override
virtual void onDespawning () override
virtual void onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged () override
void setShaderCpuWriteResourceBindingData (const std::string &sShaderResourceName, size_t iResourceSizeInBytes, const std::function< void *()> &onStartedUpdatingResource, const std::function< void()> &onFinishedUpdatingResource)
void setShaderTextureResourceBindingData (const std::string &sShaderResourceName, const std::string &sPathToTextureResourceRelativeRes)
void markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu (const std::string &sShaderResourceName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ne::SpatialNode
virtual void onAfterDeserialized () override
virtual void onSpawning () override
virtual void onAfterAttachedToNewParent (bool bThisNodeBeingAttached) override
virtual void onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
void setIsCalledEveryFrame (bool bEnable)
void setTickGroup (TickGroup tickGroup)
void setIsReceivingInput (bool bEnable)
TimercreateTimer (const std::string &sTimerName)
template<typename FunctionType >
NodeNotificationBroadcaster< FunctionType > * createNotificationBroadcaster ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::function< void(KeyboardModifiers, bool)> > > * getActionEventBindings ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::function< void(KeyboardModifiers, float)> > > * getAxisEventBindings ()
std::recursive_mutex * getSpawnDespawnMutex ()
virtual void onMouseMove (double xOffset, double yOffset)
virtual void onMouseScrollMove (int iOffset)
virtual void onBeforeNewFrame (float timeSincePrevFrameInSec)
virtual void onSpawning ()
virtual void onChildNodesSpawned ()
virtual void onDespawning ()
virtual void onBeforeDetachedFromParent (bool bThisNodeBeingDetached)
virtual void onAfterAttachedToNewParent (bool bThisNodeBeingAttached)
virtual void onAfterDeserialized ()

Private Member Functions

void allocateShaderResources ()
void allocateGeometryBuffers ()
void deallocateShaderResources ()
void deallocateGeometryBuffers ()
void * onStartedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants ()
void onFinishedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants ()
void updateShaderResourcesToUseChangedMaterialPipelines ()
std::pair< GpuResource *, unsigned int > getIndexBufferInfoForMaterialSlot (size_t iMaterialSlot)

Static Private Member Functions

static std::unique_ptr< MaterialgetDefaultMaterial ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Material > > vMaterials
MeshData meshData
AABB aabb
std::recursive_mutex mtxMeshData
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, GpuResourcesmtxGpuResources
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, MeshShaderConstantsmtxShaderMeshDataConstants
bool bIsVisible = true

Static Private Attributes

static const auto sMeshShaderConstantBufferName = "meshData"


class Material

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ne::Node
enum class  AttachmentRule { RESET_RELATIVE , KEEP_RELATIVE , KEEP_WORLD }

Detailed Description

Represents a node that can have 3D geometry to display (mesh).

Used for GPU optimized geometry - geometry that rarely (if ever) changes from the CPU side.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MeshNode()

ne::MeshNode::MeshNode ( const std::string &  sNodeName)

Creates a new node with the specified name.

sNodeNameName of this node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocateGeometryBuffers()

void ne::MeshNode::allocateGeometryBuffers ( )

Allocates geometry resources (see mtxGpuResources).

◆ allocateShaderResources()

void ne::MeshNode::allocateShaderResources ( )

Allocates shader resources (see mtxGpuResources).

Expects that vMaterials to have initialized PSOs.

◆ deallocateGeometryBuffers()

void ne::MeshNode::deallocateGeometryBuffers ( )

Deallocates geometry resources (see mtxGpuResources).

◆ deallocateShaderResources()

void ne::MeshNode::deallocateShaderResources ( )

Deallocates shader resources (see mtxGpuResources).

◆ getAABB()

AABB * ne::MeshNode::getAABB ( )

Returns pointer to axis-aligned bounding box of this mesh.

Axis-aligned bounding box.

◆ getAvailableMaterialSlotCount()

size_t ne::MeshNode::getAvailableMaterialSlotCount ( )

Returns the total number of available material slots that the current mesh data (see setMeshData) provides.

The number of available material slots.

◆ getDefaultMaterial()

std::unique_ptr< Material > ne::MeshNode::getDefaultMaterial ( )

Returns default mesh node material.

Default material for mesh node.

◆ getIndexBufferInfoForMaterialSlot()

std::pair< GpuResource *, unsigned int > ne::MeshNode::getIndexBufferInfoForMaterialSlot ( size_t  iMaterialSlot)

Returns information about an index buffer for the specified material slot.

Shows an error and throws an exception if the index buffer at the specified index cannon be found.
iMaterialSlotMaterial slot that corresponds with an index buffer to look for.
Information about an index buffer at the specified material slot.

◆ getMaterial()

Material * ne::MeshNode::getMaterial ( size_t  iMaterialSlot = 0)

Returns material used by this name.

Do not delete (free) returned pointer.
iMaterialSlotSlot from which requested material is taken from.
nullptr if the specified slot does not exist (see getAvailableMaterialSlotCount), otherwise used material.

◆ getMeshData()

std::pair< std::recursive_mutex *, MeshData * > ne::MeshNode::getMeshData ( )

Returns mesh geometry for read/write operations.

Must be used with mutex.
If you're changing mesh data you must call onMeshDataChanged after you finished modifying the mesh data to update internal CPU/GPU resources and see updated geometry on the screen, otherwise this might cause the object to be displayed incorrectly.
Note that changing mesh data using onMeshDataChanged will have the same performance as if you used setMeshData because they both do the same work. The main reason why this getter exists is to avoid copying MeshData when somebody wants to read/modify existing mesh data.
Mesh data.

◆ getMeshGpuResources()

std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, GpuResources > * ne::MeshNode::getMeshGpuResources ( )

Returns GPU resources that this mesh node uses.

GPU resources.

◆ getMeshShaderConstantBufferName()

static const char * ne::MeshNode::getMeshShaderConstantBufferName ( )

Returns name of the constant buffer that stores mesh constants.

Name of shader resource.

◆ getMeshShaderConstants()

std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, MeshShaderConstants > * ne::MeshNode::getMeshShaderConstants ( )

Returns shader constants (copied to GPU).

Changes made this returned object will not be copied to the GPU, this getter only exists read access.
Mesh constants.

◆ isVisible()

bool ne::MeshNode::isVisible ( ) const

Tells whether this mesh is currently visible or not.

Whether the mesh is visible or not.

◆ markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu()

void ne::MeshNode::markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu ( const std::string &  sShaderResourceName)

Looks for binding created using setShaderCpuWriteResourceBindingData and notifies the engine that there is new (updated) data for shader CPU write resource to copy to the GPU to be used by shaders.

You don't need to check if the node is spawned or not before calling this function, if the binding does not exist or some other condition is not met this call will be silently ignored without any errors.
Note that the callbacks that you have specified in setShaderCpuWriteResourceBindingData will not be called inside of this function, moreover they are most likely to be called in the next frame(s) (most likely multiple times) when the engine is ready to copy the data to the GPU, so if the resource's data is used by multiple threads in your code, make sure to use mutex or other synchronization primitive in your callbacks.
sShaderResourceNameName of the shader CPU write resource (should be exactly the same as the resource name written in the shader file we are referencing).

◆ onAfterDeserialized()

void ne::MeshNode::onAfterDeserialized ( )

Called after the object was successfully deserialized. Used to execute post-deserialization logic.

If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ onDespawning()

void ne::MeshNode::onDespawning ( )

Called before this node is despawned from the world to execute custom despawn logic.

This node will be marked as despawned after this function is called.
This function is called after all child nodes were despawned.
If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::Node.

◆ onFinishedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants()

void ne::MeshNode::onFinishedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants ( )

Called after finished copying data from mtxShaderMeshDataConstants.

◆ onMeshDataChanged()

void ne::MeshNode::onMeshDataChanged ( )

Must be called after mesh data was modified to (re)create internal CPU/GPU resources.

◆ onSpawning()

void ne::MeshNode::onSpawning ( )

Called when this node was not spawned previously and it was either attached to a parent node that is spawned or set as world's root node to execute custom spawn logic.

This node will be marked as spawned before this function is called.
This function is called before any of the child nodes are spawned.
If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ onStartedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants()

void * ne::MeshNode::onStartedUpdatingShaderMeshConstants ( )

Called to copy data from mtxShaderMeshDataConstants.

Pointer to data in mtxShaderMeshDataConstants.

◆ onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged()

void ne::MeshNode::onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged ( )

Called after node's world location/rotation/scale was changed.

If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ setIsVisible()

void ne::MeshNode::setIsVisible ( bool  bVisible)

Sets whether this mesh is visible or not.

bVisibleWhether this mesh is visible or not.

◆ setMaterial()

void ne::MeshNode::setMaterial ( std::unique_ptr< Material pMaterial,
size_t  iMaterialSlot = 0 

Sets material to use.

Replaces old (previously used) material.
Logs an error if the specified material slot does not exist (see getAvailableMaterialSlotCount).
pMaterialMaterial to use.
iMaterialSlotIndex of the material slot to set this new material to. By default all meshes have 1 material at slot 0 and mesh's geometry uses only this slot.

◆ setMeshData() [1/2]

void ne::MeshNode::setMeshData ( const MeshData meshData)

Sets mesh data (geometry) to use.

The number of available material slots will be changed according to the mesh data.
meshDataMesh geometry.

◆ setMeshData() [2/2]

void ne::MeshNode::setMeshData ( MeshData &&  meshData)

Sets mesh data (geometry) to use.

The number of available material slots will be changed according to the mesh data.
meshDataMesh geometry.

◆ setShaderCpuWriteResourceBindingData()

void ne::MeshNode::setShaderCpuWriteResourceBindingData ( const std::string &  sShaderResourceName,
size_t  iResourceSizeInBytes,
const std::function< void *()> &  onStartedUpdatingResource,
const std::function< void()> &  onFinishedUpdatingResource 

Setups callbacks for shader resource with CPU write access to copy data from CPU to the GPU to be used by shaders.

Call this function in your onSpawning function to bind to shader resources, all bindings will be automatically removed in onDespawning. An error will be shown if this function is called when the node is not spawned.
When data of a resource that you registered was updated on the CPU side you need to call markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu so that update callbacks will be called and updated data will be copied to the GPU to be used by shaders. Note that you don't need to call markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu for resources you have not registered yourself. Also note that all registered resources are marked as "need update" by default so you don't have to call markShaderCpuWriteResourceToBeCopiedToGpu right after calling this function.
sShaderResourceNameName of the resource we are referencing (should be exactly the same as the resource name written in the shader file we are referencing).
iResourceSizeInBytesSize of the data that this resource will contain. Note that the specified size will most likely be padded (changed) to be a multiple of 256 because of the hardware requirement for shader constant buffers.
onStartedUpdatingResourceFunction that will be called when the engine has started copying data to the GPU. Function returns pointer to new (updated) data of the specified resource that will be copied to the GPU.
onFinishedUpdatingResourceFunction that will be called when the engine has finished copying resource data to the GPU (usually used for unlocking mutexes).

◆ setShaderTextureResourceBindingData()

void ne::MeshNode::setShaderTextureResourceBindingData ( const std::string &  sShaderResourceName,
const std::string &  sPathToTextureResourceRelativeRes 

Setups a shader resource that references a texture that will be used in shaders when this mesh is rendered.

Call this function in allocateShaderResources to bind to shader resources, all bindings will be automatically removed in deallocateShaderResources.
sShaderResourceNameName of the resource we are referencing (should be exactly the same as the resource name written in the shader file we are referencing).
sPathToTextureResourceRelativeResPath to the directory with texture resource to use.

◆ updateShaderResourcesToUseChangedMaterialPipelines()

void ne::MeshNode::updateShaderResourcesToUseChangedMaterialPipelines ( )

Called after vMaterials is changed (some slots are added/removed) to notify all shader resources.

Expects that the caller is using some mutex to protect this shader resource from being used in the draw function while this function is not finished (i.e. make sure the CPU will not queue a new frame while this function is not finished).
Expects that the node is spawned and all vMaterials have pipelines initialized.

Member Data Documentation

◆ aabb

AABB ne::MeshNode::aabb

Axis-aligned bounding box for meshData.

◆ bIsVisible

bool ne::MeshNode::bIsVisible = true

Whether mesh is visible or not.

◆ meshData

MeshData ne::MeshNode::meshData

Mesh geometry.

Use with mtxMeshData.

◆ mtxGpuResources

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, GpuResources> ne::MeshNode::mtxGpuResources

Stores GPU resources used by this mesh node.

◆ mtxMeshData

std::recursive_mutex ne::MeshNode::mtxMeshData

Mutex for meshData.

◆ mtxShaderMeshDataConstants

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, MeshShaderConstants> ne::MeshNode::mtxShaderMeshDataConstants

Stores data for constant buffer used by shaders.

◆ sMeshShaderConstantBufferName

const auto ne::MeshNode::sMeshShaderConstantBufferName = "meshData"

Name of the constant buffer used to store general mesh data in shaders.

◆ vMaterials

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Material> > ne::MeshNode::vMaterials

Stores materials of the mesh. Material at index 0 used by index buffer 0, material at index 1 used by index buffer 1 and so on (meshData defines available slots).

Always contains valid pointers.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: