Nameless Engine
No Matches
ne::DirectionalLightNode Class Reference

#include <DirectionalLightNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for ne::DirectionalLightNode:
ne::SpatialNode ne::Node ne::Serializable


struct  DirecionalLightShaderData
struct  ShaderData

Public Member Functions

 DirectionalLightNode (const std::string &sNodeName)
void setLightColor (const glm::vec3 &color)
void setLightIntensity (float intensity)
glm::vec3 getLightColor () const
float getLightIntensity () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::SpatialNode
 SpatialNode (const std::string &sNodeName)
void setRelativeLocation (const glm::vec3 &location)
void setRelativeRotation (const glm::vec3 &rotation)
void setRelativeScale (const glm::vec3 &scale)
void setWorldLocation (const glm::vec3 &location)
void setWorldRotation (const glm::vec3 &rotation)
void setWorldScale (const glm::vec3 &scale)
glm::vec3 getRelativeLocation () const
glm::vec3 getRelativeRotation () const
glm::vec3 getRelativeScale () const
glm::mat4x4 getRelativeRotationMatrix ()
glm::vec3 getWorldLocation ()
glm::vec3 getWorldRotation ()
glm::quat getWorldRotationQuaternion ()
glm::vec3 getWorldScale ()
glm::vec3 getWorldForwardDirection ()
glm::vec3 getWorldRightDirection ()
glm::vec3 getWorldUpDirection ()
glm::mat4x4 getWorldMatrix ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcPtr< SpatialNode > > * getClosestSpatialParent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
 Node ()
 Node (const std::string &sName)
 Node (const Node &)=delete
Nodeoperator= (const Node &)=delete
 Node (Node &&)=delete
Nodeoperator= (Node &&)=delete
virtual ~Node () override
void setNodeName (const std::string &sName)
void detachFromParentAndDespawn ()
void addChildNode (const sgc::GcPtr< Node > &pNode, AttachmentRule locationRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD, AttachmentRule rotationRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD, AttachmentRule scaleRule=AttachmentRule::KEEP_WORLD)
void setSerialize (bool bSerialize)
std::optional< ErrorserializeNodeTree (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, bool bEnableBackup)
std::string getNodeName () const
sgc::GcPtr< NodegetWorldRootNode ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcPtr< Node > > * getParentNode ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcVector< sgc::GcPtr< Node > > > * getChildNodes ()
template<typename NodeType >
requires std::derived_from<NodeType, Node>
sgc::GcPtr< NodeType > getParentNodeOfType (const std::string &sParentNodeName="")
template<typename NodeType >
requires std::derived_from<NodeType, Node>
sgc::GcPtr< NodeType > getChildNodeOfType (const std::string &sChildNodeName="")
TickGroup getTickGroup () const
std::optional< size_t > getNodeId () const
bool isCalledEveryFrame ()
bool isReceivingInput ()
bool isSpawned ()
bool isParentOf (Node *pNode)
bool isChildOf (Node *pNode)
bool isSerialized () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Serializable
std::optional< Errorserialize (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, bool bEnableBackup, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={})
std::variant< std::string, Errorserialize (toml::value &tomlData, const std::string &sEntityId="", const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={}, const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > &optionalPathToFile={}, bool bEnableBackup=false)
std::variant< std::string, Errorserialize (toml::value &tomlData, Serializable *pOriginalObject, std::string sEntityId="", const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes={}, const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > &optionalPathToFile={}, bool bEnableBackup=false)
std::optional< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > getPathDeserializedFromRelativeToRes () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void onAfterDeserialized () override
virtual void onSpawning () override
virtual void onDespawning () override
virtual void onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ne::SpatialNode
virtual void onAfterDeserialized () override
virtual void onSpawning () override
virtual void onAfterAttachedToNewParent (bool bThisNodeBeingAttached) override
virtual void onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
void setIsCalledEveryFrame (bool bEnable)
void setTickGroup (TickGroup tickGroup)
void setIsReceivingInput (bool bEnable)
TimercreateTimer (const std::string &sTimerName)
template<typename FunctionType >
NodeNotificationBroadcaster< FunctionType > * createNotificationBroadcaster ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::function< void(KeyboardModifiers, bool)> > > * getActionEventBindings ()
std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::function< void(KeyboardModifiers, float)> > > * getAxisEventBindings ()
std::recursive_mutex * getSpawnDespawnMutex ()
virtual void onMouseMove (double xOffset, double yOffset)
virtual void onMouseScrollMove (int iOffset)
virtual void onBeforeNewFrame (float timeSincePrevFrameInSec)
virtual void onSpawning ()
virtual void onChildNodesSpawned ()
virtual void onDespawning ()
virtual void onBeforeDetachedFromParent (bool bThisNodeBeingDetached)
virtual void onAfterAttachedToNewParent (bool bThisNodeBeingAttached)
virtual void onAfterDeserialized ()

Private Member Functions

ShadowMapHandlegetShadowMapHandle () const
unsigned int getIndexIntoShadowPassInfoShaderArray ()
void * onStartedUpdatingShaderData ()
void onFinishedUpdatingShaderData ()
void * onStartedUpdatingShadowPassData ()
void onFinishedUpdatingShadowPassData ()
void markShadowPassDataToBeCopiedToGpu ()
void markShaderDataToBeCopiedToGpu ()
void onShadowMapArrayIndexChanged (unsigned int iNewIndexIntoArray)
void recalculateShadowMappingShaderData ()

Private Attributes

std::pair< std::recursive_mutex, ShaderDatamtxShaderData
std::unique_ptr< ShadowMapHandlepShadowMapHandle
glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F)
float intensity = 1.0F


class Renderer

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ne::Node
enum class  AttachmentRule { RESET_RELATIVE , KEEP_RELATIVE , KEEP_WORLD }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Node
static size_t getAliveNodeCount ()
static std::variant< sgc::GcPtr< Node >, ErrordeserializeNodeTree (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile)
static GameInstancegetGameInstance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ne::Serializable
static std::optional< ErrorserializeMultiple (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, std::vector< SerializableObjectInformation > vObjects, bool bEnableBackup)
static std::variant< std::set< std::string >, ErrorgetIdsFromFile (std::filesystem::path pathToFile)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes, const std::string &sEntityId)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const std::filesystem::path &pathToFile, const std::string &sEntityId)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<Serializable>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<Serializable>>
static std::variant< std::vector< DeserializedObjectInformation< SmartPointer > >, ErrordeserializeMultiple (std::filesystem::path pathToFile, const std::set< std::string > &ids)
template<typename SmartPointer , typename InnerType = typename SmartPointer::element_type>
requires std::derived_from<InnerType, Serializable> && (std::same_as<SmartPointer, sgc::GcPtr<InnerType>> || std::same_as<SmartPointer, std::unique_ptr<InnerType>>)
static std::variant< SmartPointer, Errordeserialize (const toml::value &tomlData, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &customAttributes, std::string sEntityId="", std::optional< std::filesystem::path > optionalPathToFile={})

Detailed Description

Represents a directional light source in world.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DirectionalLightNode()

ne::DirectionalLightNode::DirectionalLightNode ( const std::string &  sNodeName)

Creates a new node with the specified name.

sNodeNameName of this node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getIndexIntoShadowPassInfoShaderArray()

unsigned int ne::DirectionalLightNode::getIndexIntoShadowPassInfoShaderArray ( )

Used by renderer and returns the current index (because it may change later) into the shader array that stores shadow pass info of spawned light sources.

Index into array.

◆ getLightColor()

glm::vec3 ne::DirectionalLightNode::getLightColor ( ) const

Returns color of this light source.

Color in RGB format in range [0.0; 1.0].

◆ getLightIntensity()

float ne::DirectionalLightNode::getLightIntensity ( ) const

Returns intensity of this light source.

Intensity in range [0.0; 1.0].

◆ getShadowMapHandle()

ShadowMapHandle * ne::DirectionalLightNode::getShadowMapHandle ( ) const

Used by renderer and returns handle to shadow map texture that this light source uses.

Do not delete (free) returned pointer.
nullptr if node is not spawned, otherwise valid pointer.

◆ markShaderDataToBeCopiedToGpu()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::markShaderDataToBeCopiedToGpu ( )

Marks array slot at mtxShaderData as "needs update" (if the slot is created) to later be copied to the GPU resource.

Does nothing if the slot is nullptr.

◆ markShadowPassDataToBeCopiedToGpu()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::markShadowPassDataToBeCopiedToGpu ( )

Marks array slot at mtxShaderData for shadow pass data as "needs update" (if the slot is created) to later be copied to the GPU resource.

Does nothing if the slot is nullptr.

◆ onAfterDeserialized()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onAfterDeserialized ( )

Called after the object was successfully deserialized. Used to execute post-deserialization logic.

If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ onDespawning()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onDespawning ( )

Called before this node is despawned from the world to execute custom despawn logic.

This node will be marked as despawned after this function is called.
This function is called after all child nodes were despawned.
If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::Node.

◆ onFinishedUpdatingShaderData()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onFinishedUpdatingShaderData ( )

Called after onStartedUpdatingShaderData to notify this node that the renderer has finished copying the data to the GPU resource.

◆ onFinishedUpdatingShadowPassData()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onFinishedUpdatingShadowPassData ( )

Called after onStartedUpdatingShadowPassData to notify this node that the renderer has finished copying the data to the GPU resource.

◆ onShadowMapArrayIndexChanged()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onShadowMapArrayIndexChanged ( unsigned int  iNewIndexIntoArray)

Called after the index into a descriptor array of pShadowMapHandle was initialized/changed.

iNewIndexIntoArrayNew index to use.

◆ onSpawning()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onSpawning ( )

Called when this node was not spawned previously and it was either attached to a parent node that is spawned or set as world's root node to execute custom spawn logic.

This node will be marked as spawned before this function is called.
This function is called before any of the child nodes are spawned. If you need to do some logic after child nodes are spawned use onChildNodesSpawned.
If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ onStartedUpdatingShaderData()

void * ne::DirectionalLightNode::onStartedUpdatingShaderData ( )

Callback that will be called by the renderer when it's ready to copy new (updated) mtxShaderData to the GPU resource.

Pointer to the shader data at mtxShaderData.

◆ onStartedUpdatingShadowPassData()

void * ne::DirectionalLightNode::onStartedUpdatingShadowPassData ( )

Callback that will be called by the renderer when it's ready to copy new (updated) shadow pass data of the light source to the GPU resource.

Pointer to the shadow pass data at mtxShaderData.

◆ onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::onWorldLocationRotationScaleChanged ( )

Called after node's world location/rotation/scale was changed.

If overriding you must call the parent's version of this function first (before executing your login) to execute parent's logic.
If you change location/rotation/scale inside of this function, this function will not be called again (no recursion will occur).

Reimplemented from ne::SpatialNode.

◆ recalculateShadowMappingShaderData()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::recalculateShadowMappingShaderData ( )

(Re)calculates data used by shaders in shadow pass and shadow mapping.

Does not call markShadowPassDataToBeCopiedToGpu or markShaderDataToBeCopiedToGpu.

◆ setLightColor()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::setLightColor ( const glm::vec3 &  color)

Sets light's color.

colorColor in RGB format in range [0.0; 1.0].

◆ setLightIntensity()

void ne::DirectionalLightNode::setLightIntensity ( float  intensity)

Sets light's intensity.

intensityIntensity in range [0.0; 1.0] (will be clamped if outside of the range).

Member Data Documentation

◆ color

glm::vec3 ne::DirectionalLightNode::color = glm::vec3(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F)

Color of the light source.

◆ intensity

float ne::DirectionalLightNode::intensity = 1.0F

Light intensity, valid values range is [0.0F; 1.0F].

◆ mtxShaderData

std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, ShaderData> ne::DirectionalLightNode::mtxShaderData

Only valid while spawned. Up to date data that will be copied to the GPU.

◆ pShadowMapHandle

std::unique_ptr<ShadowMapHandle> ne::DirectionalLightNode::pShadowMapHandle

References shadow map of the light source.

Only valid while spawned.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: